Vacuum forming

Vacuum forming

Vacuum forming (also known as thermoforming) is a popular method for producing all kinds of shaped plastic components. With over 30 years of experience in plastics processing, vacuum forming is also one of our areas of expertise. Together with our partners, we efficiently implement your ideas and find tailored solutions for our customers’ individual requirements. From development to finished products, all from a single source, all outstanding in quality.

From the vision to the finished product

The vacuum forming process is ideal for creating three-dimensional moulds using simple tools. The thermoforming process works by heating a plastic sheet until it becomes pliable and pulling it by vacuum into a shaped vacuum forming tool. Our modern, high-performance vacuum forming machines offer a bench size of 250 x 250 mm to 2000 x 1200 mm and can be negatively or positively moulded. After cooling, the formed plastic sheet retains its given shape. The components can also be cut and processed using our 5-axis machine in a later process. As an expert in plastics processing, we always deliver dimensionally stable and high-quality results.

Fast, innovative and reliable

Kirsch Kunststofftechnik offers a wide range of high-quality plastic materials with which we quickly, innovatively and reliably produce customer-specific thermoformed products. Vacuum forming offers numerous benefits compared to other methods. Since the satisfaction of our customers is our top priority, we naturally use only high-quality and technologically advanced plastics. The benefits of vacuum forming for you: production time, 3D forming, transparent surfaces, large choice of materials and flexible surface design.


As a specialist in plastic thermoforming, Kirsch Kunststofftechnik develops and realises custom-made products. We also produce new product developments tailored to your requirements with experience, precision and high-performance machines. Vacuum forming is a great method for customising plastic formed components and is a suitable solution for producing components in various industries.

Auffangbehälter für Metallmünzen aus Polycarbonat. Thermoformen mit Vakuumtiefziehen
Bauteil Polycarbonat, lackiert, von hinten aufgezogen

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